![CBC/IOTA Code Workshop [free event]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/58b6047520099e545622d498/1613570816643-BJ11TVARXP70GG1KUHTM/CBC-Logo_Black.png)
CBC/IOTA Code Workshop [free event]
The Construction Blockchain Consortium and IOTA hosted a Code Workshop on 30th March 2021, held online.
This was a hands-on workshop to develop an IOTA network for Smart Cities, and included a discussion of IOTA technologies and their current projects. Please visit IOTA website for more information about these.
Workshop Recording
You can now play back the introduction to IOTA and full workshop via the videos below. Please contact us if you have any queries.
Attendee Instructions
For the Workshop we will be installing, configuring and running the IOTA Peer-to-Peer (p2p) Energy Grid. The grid fully automates the transfer of power and the automatic payment for that power between energy providers and energy consumers. It is a fully decentralised energy grid running on IOTA (https://www.iota.org/get-started/what-is-iota).
Information about the IOTA p2p Grid can be found in their online documentation here: https://docs.iota.org/docs/blueprints/0.1/p2p-energy/overview. Participants are encouraged to read through this information in advance of the workshop.
Workshop attendees who want to install the IOTA p2p Grid on their local machine (windows or Mac) during the Workshop should carry out the following pre-requisites prior to the workshop session.
1) Install Code Environment (VS Code, Git & Node)
Download & install Visual Studio (VS) Code (https://code.visualstudio.com/Download)
Install Git (https://git-scm.com/downloads). When installed, open VS Code, Click on Terminal (from menu) - New Terminal. In Terminal window type 'git --version'. The terminal response should be 'git version x.x.x'.
Download and install Node (and npm) (https://nodejs.org/en/download/). Once it has installed go to the terminal window again and type 'node -v' (response should be 'vx.x.x') then type 'npm -v' (response should be 'x.x.x'). Please note that the p2p Energy Grid requires Node (not npm) version above 10. It is recommended to be using verion 14.x.x which is the latest version.
2) Set-up Amazon Web Services Account
You need to have a Free Amazon Web Services Account set up which has Access Keys set up to create dynamoDB (database) and S3 (storage). The DynamoDB database and S3 storage is used by the IOTA Peer-to-Peer (p2p) Energy Grid application.
Set up a free basic support AWS account at https://aws.amazon.com/
Sign in to the Management console at https://signin.aws.amazon.com/ (goto to My Accounts - AWS Management Console in the menu)
From the AWS Management Console change region to London (eu-west-2) from the menu on the top (right)
Create S3 Bucket
Search for S3 Services. Create bucket from the button. Give a unique name and save (use default settings)
Create Access Key & Secret for S3 and DynamoDB access
Navigate to My Security Credentials - Access Keys - 'Create New Access Key' (this opens IAM)
Click on Show Access Key - save the Access Key ID and Secret Access Key in A SAFE PLACE as you will need them for the Workshop.
Make a note of the Region your account is using. It is shown in the browser address bar (should be region=eu-west-2) You will also need this for the Workshop.
Any questions/problems can be sent to Stephen Smith.

CBC Hackathon - Smart Procurement Toolkit for the AEC Industry
Using Hyperledger Fabric for smart procurement construction and infrastructure projects
The CBC is pleased to announce our third DLT/AEC Hackathon, led by University College London, Hyperledger, Oracle and Arup. For this event we will develop blockchain smart contract tools for the construction sector and further develop our open source project: Smart Procurement for the AEC Industry.
The Hackathon will take place at Arup’s headquarters in Central London for two days of intense coding with Oracle developers.
This event is open to all, but will be of particular interest to CEOs and CTOs in the Real Estate and AEC industries, Startups, AEC Professionals, Computer Scientists and Software Developers. No Hyperledger Fabric knowledge is necessary but a general understanding of OOP is desirable. Familiarity with Node.js and Java is recommended.
9.30am – 5.30pm, Wednesday 7th to Friday 9th November 2018
8-13 Fitzroy St, Bloomsbury, London, W1T 4BQ
The CBC's Hackathons are strategic, tailored events to develop open source DLT & Blockchain solutions for the AEC Industry. The collaborative effort is open to many technologies and aims to grow the CBC open source projects. We bring together leading technologists, industry experts, and academic practitioners to investigate the potential disruption and practical application of emerging technologies and actively develop new digital tools for the built environment.
[All proceeds from events will go towards the development of CBC open source projects]
Concession Tickets
The CBC offers a limited number of discounted and complimentary tickets for students, researchers and startup developers. To receive your access code, please complete the request form below.
The Construction Blockchain Consortium was established to develop knowledge transfer, arrange commercial and academic presentations, assess and test commercial services and technology, conduct research, and drive policy, regulation and understanding of the consequences of Blockchain and other emerging technologies in the Built Environment. The CBC is led by the UCL Department of Computer Science and The UCL Bartlett Faculty of the Built Environment. We also investigate the development of open source tools on behalf of the industry and encourage application developers to build proprietary technology and services to deliver sustainable construction solutions.

CBC Code Session 6
We are pleased to announce the CBC Code Club which will be running on Mondays from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm on a number of open source technologies such as Hyperledger, Ethereum and Corda. The CBC Code Club is run in collaboration with the Blockchain Code Club and offers a chance to be taught by expert tutors in a way that suits your professional schedule. These are tailored events that are open to all.
The first 6 week course will start on the 8th October and will carry on the current Corda development for the CBC Project on AEC Financing and Procurement.
Location: The Bartlett School of Architecture, 22 Gordon Street, University College London, WC1H 0QB
Current Schedule: R3 Corda - Starting on the 8th October 2018
WEEK 1: Monday 8th October
WEEK 2: Monday 15th October
WEEK 3: Monday 22nd October
WEEK 4: Monday 29th October
WEEK 5: Monday 5th November
WEEK 6: Monday 12th November
Please follow the link below to getting your tickets:
The Construction Blockchain Consortium was established to develop knowledge transfer, arrange commercial and academic presentations, assess and test commercial services and technology, conduct research, and drive policy, regulation and understanding of the consequences of Blockchain and other emerging technologies in the Built Environment. The CBC is led by the UCL Department of Computer Science and The UCL Bartlett Faculty of the Built Environment. We also investigate the development of open source tools on behalf of the industry and encourage application developers to build proprietary technology and services to deliver sustainable construction solutions.

CBC Hackathon - Smart Procurement
The CBC is pleased to announce our second DLT/AEC Hackathon, led by University College London and R3. On this event we will develop blockchain smart procurement tools for the real estate and construction sector and initiate our second CBC open source project: Smart Procurement for the AEC Industry.
The Hackathon will take place at the heart of UCL’s Bloomsbury Campus for three days of intense coding with R3 developers and a final presentation day.
This event is open to all, but will be of particular interest to CEOs and CTOs in the Real Estate and AEC industries, Startups, AEC Professionals, Computer Scientists and Software Developers. No Corda knowledge is necessary but a general understanding of OOP is desirable. Familiarity with Java and Kotlin is recommended.
10am - 5pm, Wednesday 7th to Friday 9th November 2018
Malet Place, University College London, WC1E 6BT
The CBC offers a limited number of discounted and complimentary tickets for students, researchers and startup developers. To receive your access code, please complete the request form on: https://www.constructionblockchain.org/hcf
The CBC's Hackathons are strategic, tailored events to develop open source DLT & Blockchain solutions for the AEC Industry. The collaborative effort is open to many technologies and aims to grow the CBC opensource projects. We bring together leading technologists, industry experts, and academic practitioners to investigate the potential disruption and practical application of emerging technologies and actively develop new digital tools for the built environment.
The Construction Blockchain Consortium was established to develop knowledge transfer, arrange commercial and academic presentations, assess and test commercial services and technology, conduct research, and drive policy, regulation and understanding of the consequences of Blockchain and other emerging technologies in the Built Environment. The CBC is led by the UCL Department of Computer Science and The UCL Bartlett Faculty of the Built Environment.
We also investigate the development of open source tools on behalf of the industry and to encourage application developers to build proprietary technology and services to deliver sustainable construction solutions.

CBC Code Session 5
We are pleased to announce the CBC Code Club which will be running on Mondays from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm on a number of open source technologies such as Hyperledger, Ethereum and Corda. The CBC Code Club is run in collaboration with the Blockchain Code Club and offers a chance to be taught by expert tutors in a way that suits your professional schedule. These are tailored events that are open to all.
The first 6 week course will start on the 8th October and will carry on the current Corda development for the CBC Project on AEC Financing and Procurement.
Location: The Bartlett School of Architecture, 22 Gordon Street, University College London, WC1H 0QB
Current Schedule: R3 Corda - Starting on the 8th October 2018
WEEK 1: Monday 8th October
WEEK 2: Monday 15th October
WEEK 3: Monday 22nd October
WEEK 4: Monday 29th October
WEEK 5: Monday 5th November
WEEK 6: Monday 12th November
Please follow the link below to getting your tickets:
The Construction Blockchain Consortium was established to develop knowledge transfer, arrange commercial and academic presentations, assess and test commercial services and technology, conduct research, and drive policy, regulation and understanding of the consequences of Blockchain and other emerging technologies in the Built Environment. The CBC is led by the UCL Department of Computer Science and The UCL Bartlett Faculty of the Built Environment. We also investigate the development of open source tools on behalf of the industry and encourage application developers to build proprietary technology and services to deliver sustainable construction solutions.

CBC Code Session 4
We are pleased to announce the CBC Code Club which will be running on Mondays from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm on a number of open source technologies such as Hyperledger, Ethereum and Corda. The CBC Code Club is run in collaboration with the Blockchain Code Club and offers a chance to be taught by expert tutors in a way that suits your professional schedule. These are tailored events that are open to all.
The first 6 week course will start on the 8th October and will carry on the current Corda development for the CBC Project on AEC Financing and Procurement.
Location: The Bartlett School of Architecture, 22 Gordon Street, University College London, WC1H 0QB
Current Schedule: R3 Corda - Starting on the 8th October 2018
WEEK 1: Monday 8th October
WEEK 2: Monday 15th October
WEEK 3: Monday 22nd October
WEEK 4: Monday 29th October
WEEK 5: Monday 5th November
WEEK 6: Monday 12th November
Please follow the link below to getting your tickets:
The Construction Blockchain Consortium was established to develop knowledge transfer, arrange commercial and academic presentations, assess and test commercial services and technology, conduct research, and drive policy, regulation and understanding of the consequences of Blockchain and other emerging technologies in the Built Environment. The CBC is led by the UCL Department of Computer Science and The UCL Bartlett Faculty of the Built Environment. We also investigate the development of open source tools on behalf of the industry and encourage application developers to build proprietary technology and services to deliver sustainable construction solutions.

CBC Code Session 3
We are pleased to announce the CBC Code Club which will be running on Mondays from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm on a number of open source technologies such as Hyperledger, Ethereum and Corda. The CBC Code Club is run in collaboration with the Blockchain Code Club and offers a chance to be taught by expert tutors in a way that suits your professional schedule. These are tailored events that are open to all.
The first 6 week course will start on the 8th October and will carry on the current Corda development for the CBC Project on AEC Financing and Procurement.
Location: The Bartlett School of Architecture, 22 Gordon Street, University College London, WC1H 0QB
Current Schedule: R3 Corda - Starting on the 8th October 2018
WEEK 1: Monday 8th October
WEEK 2: Monday 15th October
WEEK 3: Monday 22nd October
WEEK 4: Monday 29th October
WEEK 5: Monday 5th November
WEEK 6: Monday 12th November
Please follow the link below to getting your tickets:
The Construction Blockchain Consortium was established to develop knowledge transfer, arrange commercial and academic presentations, assess and test commercial services and technology, conduct research, and drive policy, regulation and understanding of the consequences of Blockchain and other emerging technologies in the Built Environment. The CBC is led by the UCL Department of Computer Science and The UCL Bartlett Faculty of the Built Environment. We also investigate the development of open source tools on behalf of the industry and encourage application developers to build proprietary technology and services to deliver sustainable construction solutions.

CBC Code Session 2
We are pleased to announce the CBC Code Club which will be running on Mondays from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm on a number of open source technologies such as Hyperledger, Ethereum and Corda. The CBC Code Club is run in collaboration with the Blockchain Code Club and offers a chance to be taught by expert tutors in a way that suits your professional schedule. These are tailored events that are open to all.
The first 6 week course will start on the 8th October and will carry on the current Corda development for the CBC Project on AEC Financing and Procurement.
Location: The Bartlett School of Architecture, 22 Gordon Street, University College London, WC1H 0QB
Current Schedule: R3 Corda - Starting on the 8th October 2018
WEEK 1: Monday 8th October
WEEK 2: Monday 15th October
WEEK 3: Monday 22nd October
WEEK 4: Monday 29th October
WEEK 5: Monday 5th November
WEEK 6: Monday 12th November
Please follow the link below to getting your tickets:
The Construction Blockchain Consortium was established to develop knowledge transfer, arrange commercial and academic presentations, assess and test commercial services and technology, conduct research, and drive policy, regulation and understanding of the consequences of Blockchain and other emerging technologies in the Built Environment. The CBC is led by the UCL Department of Computer Science and The UCL Bartlett Faculty of the Built Environment. We also investigate the development of open source tools on behalf of the industry and encourage application developers to build proprietary technology and services to deliver sustainable construction solutions.

CBC Code Session 1
We are pleased to announce the CBC Code Club which will be running on Mondays from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm on a number of open source technologies such as Hyperledger, Ethereum and Corda. The CBC Code Club is run in collaboration with the Blockchain Code Club and offers a chance to be taught by expert tutors in a way that suits your professional schedule. These are tailored events that are open to all.
The first 6 week course will start on the 8th October and will carry on the current Corda development for the CBC Project on AEC Financing and Procurement.
Location: The Bartlett School of Architecture, 22 Gordon Street, University College London, WC1H 0QB
Current Schedule: R3 Corda - Starting on the 8th October 2018
WEEK 1: Monday 8th October
WEEK 2: Monday 15th October
WEEK 3: Monday 22nd October
WEEK 4: Monday 29th October
WEEK 5: Monday 5th November
WEEK 6: Monday 12th November
Please follow the link below to getting your tickets:
The Construction Blockchain Consortium was established to develop knowledge transfer, arrange commercial and academic presentations, assess and test commercial services and technology, conduct research, and drive policy, regulation and understanding of the consequences of Blockchain and other emerging technologies in the Built Environment. The CBC is led by the UCL Department of Computer Science and The UCL Bartlett Faculty of the Built Environment. We also investigate the development of open source tools on behalf of the industry and encourage application developers to build proprietary technology and services to deliver sustainable construction solutions.

CBC Hackathon - Smart AEC Financing Toolkit
The CBC is pleased to announce the first AEC+DLT Hackathon, led by University College London and R3 CordaCon. This Hackathon will aim to develop blockchain tools to decentralise financing for the AEC Industry and initiate our first CBC open source project: Smart Financing for the AEC Industry.
10 am - 5 pm, Wednesday 12th to Sunday 16th September 2018
Day 1: CordaCon, 200 Aldersgate, London, EC1A 4HD
Days 2 to 5: 22 Gordon Street, University College London, WC1H 0QB
The Hackathon will take place over five days in Central London. It will begin at CordaCon London 2018, R3’s annual flagship conference covering the latest developments in R3 blockchain technology, and then move to UCL’s Bloomsbury Campus for 3 days of intense coding with R3 developers.
This event is open to all, but will be of particular interest to anyone interested in the business case of DLT for the Real Estate and AEC industries, software developers and coders. No Corda knowledge is necessary but a general understanding of OOP is desirable. Familiarity with Java and Kotlin is recommended.
The CBC's Hackathons are strategic, tailored events to develop opensource DLT & Blockchain solutions for the AEC Industry. The collaborative effort is open to many technologies and aims to grow the CBC opensource projects. We bring together leading technologists, industry experts, and academic practitioners to investigate the potential disruption and practical application of emerging technologies and actively develop new digital tools for the built environment.
The Construction Blockchain Consortium was established to develop knowledge transfer, arrange commercial and academic presentations, assess and test commercial services and technology, conduct research, and drive policy, regulation and understanding of the consequences of Blockchain and other emerging technologies in the Built Environment. The CBC is led by the UCL Department of Computer Science and The UCL Bartlett Faculty of the Built Environment.
We also investigate the development of open source tools on behalf of the industry and to encourage application developers to build proprietary technology and services to deliver sustainable construction solutions.